
I live in the city. My wife is in a govt. job and she lives mostly with my parents in the village due to my busy schedule in my business. I didn’t go to village more over after marriage. I wasn’t interested to have sex with other women but during college days i had sex relation with of my one classmate. I was using internet normally and one day i put my profile and pic in one of the adult site for just fun. After few weeks i received a mail that someone from Srinagar is interested in contacting. Steve will be going off to Europe as soon as this semester is over, and Mark probably won't be around that much with his summer job and all." That just leaves me," Keri said, sipping her wine and feeling the way it seemed to relax her."Uh huh, and that is what we need to talk about," Susan replied, leaning back against the couch, turning her body slightly so that her bent right knee was touching Keri's left leg slightly."You know, I really do hope that you and I can become friends, Keri. I'm. "By some definitions, a slut is a woman who is free with her favors, or easily seduced. Others may say she's a whore. You, my sweet, are neither." I'm just afraid I'll be like my mom and my sister," she said, cuddling close. "I really like sex."I laughed softly and hugged her lithe body. "I do too, Honey. Especially with you, but that doesn't make us sluts."Pensive, she asked, "When do you think she'll come?" I don't know," I said. "Maybe we have the cold months left, or she may show up. She couldn’t understand what was being said. But it seemed to be coming from her parent’s bedroom upstairs. Curious, she snuck up the stairs. What she found shocked her to the core.The bedroom door was partly opened. There was a large mirror on the wall inside the room that gave Nicolette a view of what was happening. Her father was sitting on a chair facing the bed. He was naked and stroking his penis. Her mother was on the bed, also naked, on her hands and knees facing her husband. Behind her.
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